Couples Counseling After Welcoming a Baby

Couples Counseling After Welcoming a Baby

By Ashley Ziegler Published On: October 25th, 2022

Spoiler: Your relationship doesn’t have to be on the verge of demise to benefit from therapy.

Experts: Kirsten Brunner, MA, LPC; Kellie Wicklund, MA, LPC, PMH-C

When I think back to the first year of either of my daughters’ lives, a lot of the details are fuzzy. Without looking at their baby books, I could not tell you when they started eating solids, when they pulled up for the first time, or when their first tooth popped through. What I can remember very vividly, however, is the strain parenthood put on my marriage—and how thankful I am that my husband and I spent time in couples counseling.

I was particularly struggling after we became new parents. I’d start fights with my husband over what felt like big things to me, but that he saw as minor annoyances. Like, how hard is it for him to wipe down the stovetop after he’s done cooking? Or, why am I always the one who is responsible for swapping out our daughter’s clothes that no longer fit for the ones the next size up? And, I’m sorry, but I’m expected to keep this tiny human alive, work a full-time job, and still have energy for date nights and a sex life at the end of the day? OK, sure buddy. Read more.


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